
1. The organization’s name is Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik (abbreviated DGKL) / German Cognitive Linguistics Association (abbreviated GCLA). The DGKL/GCLA is affiliated with the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA). Its purpose is to promote Cognitive Linguistics at the national and international levels. It supports, among other things, contacts and cooperation between its members, the development of research projects, curricula and international graduate and doctoral programs in Cognitive Linguistics, as well as the organization of conferences and workshops. The association establishes and maintains a webpage that publicizes its goals and current activities.

2. Applicants for membership are expected to support the goals of the association. Applications for membership to the DGKL/GCLA are addressed to the President of the association and approved by the Governing Board.

3. Membership is free of charge for the time being; any changes concerning the question of membership fees and other changes of the constitution will have to be decided by the Assembly of the association by a two-third majority of the members present.

4. The DGKL/GCLA periodically holds national conferences. The time and location of these conferences are recommended by the Governing Board and approved by the Assembly. As a rule, the conference takes place every two years, preferably alternating with the ICLA conference.

5. The DGKL/GCLA Assembly consists of all members of the association who attend an open and publicized business meeting held during a regular DGKL/GCLA conference.

6. The Governing Board of the DGKL/GCLA consists of the President of the association and seven additional members, who support and advise the President.One of the board members is the Secretary General, who is also responsible for member services, public relations, and for maintaining the association’s website. The composition of the Governing Board should reflect a variety of cognitive-linguistic fields, languages, and universities and research institutions.

7. Five members of the Governing Board (including the President) are elected for a two-year term by the Assembly by a simple majority vote. The board members can be reelected for an immediately subsequent second term only once, with the exception of the Secretary General. Nominations for these positions can be made by every member by prior notification of the acting President or from the floor during the Assembly of the association. The candidate for the office of the President should have a tenured position as a professor. There are four ex officio members on the Governing Board: the most recent Past President of the GCLA, the organizer of the next GCLA conference, the organizer of the conference immediately preceding the next conference, and – as a non-voting advisory member – the editor of the Yearbook.

8. The President of the association executes the decisions of the Assembly, conducts its business, and represents the association vis-à-vis universities, research institutions, foundations, and in the public domain.

9. The President gives a report at the DGKL/GCLA Assembly on the activities of the association during his/her term of office.

10. This Constitution becomes official upon approval by a two-third majority of the Founding Assembly convening during the conference “Current Trends in Cognitive Linguistics”, at the University of Hamburg on December 10, 2004.

11. The DGKL/GCLA publishes a yearbook in English, entitled “Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association”. The responsibility regarding contents and organizational matters lies with the series editor, who is appointed by the board for an indefinite period of time. The editor is endorsed by the board every two years. If he/she is not endorsed by the board, he/she will fulfill the function for two further years. Within this period, a successor has to be appointed, and an orderly handover of the editorial duties has to be organized. Apart from the series editor, the current president is an editor of the series. The editorial board of the Yearbook is appointed by the board upon proposal of the Assembly.

Hamburg, December 10, 2004 (Amended: Leipzig, September 26, 2008; Erlangen, September 30, 2014; Essen, October 6, 2016)