General Assembly 2014

The GCLA held its general assembly for the years 2013/2014 yesterday; the minutes of the meeting will be published for our members (in German) shortly. Here are the most important results:

  1. Doris Schönefeld of the University of Leipzig is the new President of the GCLA.
  2. The next conference will be organized by Wolfgang Imo at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Essen campus), in 2016.
  3. Board members Constanze Juchem-Grundmann, Juliana Goschler and Anatol Stefanowitsch left the board since they were not eligible for re-election after having served two consecutive terms.
  4. Beate Hampe and Peter Uhrig were newly elected to the board, the other board members were confirmed in office for another term
  5. Anatol Stefanowitsch rejoined the board as advisory member ex officio in his function as editor in chief of the association’s yearbook.
  6. The yearbook and the regulations concerning its editorship and the advisory board were added to the GCLA’s statutes. The board is inviting suggestions for potential members of the advisory board.