CfP (Yearbook): Critical Cognitive Linguistics

The Work Group “Language and the Public” is issuing a call for papers for the next Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, which will appear at the end of this year and will have the title Critical Cognitive Linguistics.

We invite contributions that deal with the role of language in the negotiation of social processes and their perception by individuals from a critical and cognitive-linguistic perspective.

As a discipline anchored both in the study of linguistic usage and in the study of mental processes, cognitive linguistics offers suitable models for describing the function of language as a connection between society and individual, investigating specific phenomena and events within public discourse, identifying potentially negative consequences of particular usage patterns, framings, construals etc., and possibly offering alternatives

Contributions may focus on any of these aspects, we welcome both theoretical and empirical papers with a length between 3000 and 5000 words.

Potential contributors are asked to submit a short expression of interest, including a working title or short description of their proposed paper, by mail to <>.

The deadline for the contributions themselves is May 15th, 2020. Contributions should be in English. They should be submitted in the formats .odt, .rtf or .docx and include as little formatting of headings etc. as possible. References should be formatted according to the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics.

CfP: DGKL-Yearbook 2019

Submissions are now open for the seventh issue of the Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association [1], edited by Constanze Juchem-Grundmann.

The participants of the DGKL 2018 in Koblenz and previous DGKL conferences as well as all members of the DGKL are invited to submit papers based on their talks at the Koblenz conference or any other current research project.

There are no topical restrictions: we welcome papers from all areas of Cognitive Linguistics as well as related fields such as psycholinguistics, gesture research, usage-based approaches, Cognitive Poetics, and, of course, the focus of this year’s conference, Applied Cognitive Linguistics. We especially welcome papers using empirical methods.

Anyone interested in contributing a paper should submit a title and abstract by DECEMBER 15th, 2018 to <> to help us plan the volume. This can be identical to a title and abstract submitted for the conference, but does not have to be. The full paper must be submitted by MARCH 1st, 2019. Papers should be between 3000 and

6000 words in length including references and appendices, and must conform to the LSA’s “Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics” (especially with respect to the formatting of references) [2].

Papers will be peer-reviewed. You will be notified about the rejection or acceptance of your paper, as well as any changes the reviewers may suggest, by APRIL 15th, 2019, the revised versions will then be due on MAY 15th, 2019.

We are looking forward to your contributions!

Constanze Juchem-Grundmann (for the Volume Editors) Anatol Stefanowitsch (for the Series Editors)





Publication Timeline

– December 15th, 2018: Title and abstract due.

– March 15th, 2019: Full paper due.

– April 15th, 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection.

– May 15th, 2019: Revised paper due.

– August 2019: 1st proofs.

– December 2019: Publication.

CfP for DGKL-8

The 8th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA 8) will take place at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz, Germany, from September 26th to September 28th, 2018.
The focus of the conference is “Applied Cognitive Linguistics”.

Continue reading

Save the date: DGKL-8

The Eighth International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association will be held at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz, from September 26th to September 28th 2018. More information following soon.

Call for Participation: “Annotating constructions”

Workshop: Annotating grammatical constructions: issues, options, tutorials

When? June 26, 2017, 10 a.m ? 5

Where? Haus der Universität (“Wichelmann-Raum”), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Invited guest: Michael Ellsworth (International Computer Science Institute, FrameNet, Berkeley)

Topics & aims:

Constructions are said to be pairings of form and meaning that can be both schematic (e.g. the ditransitive construction) or abstract (e.g. the predicate-subject construction). How can we determine the meaning(s) of constructions based on semantic annotations? The grammaticographic workshop brings together linguists who are facing the challenge of annotating grammatical constructions beyond frequency-related issues in quantitative corpus linguistics.

Methodologically, the workshop is based on preliminary work within the so-called FrameNet constructicon (e.g., Fillmore et al. 2012, for an overview: Ziem 2014). Important issues include, but are not limited to,

-Defining construction-related terminology

-Identifying construction elements, construction evoking elements, and triggers of constructions

-The “lumping-and-splitting” problem in grammaticography

-Modeling form and meaning of constructions and networks of constructions

-Determining the “depth” of the annotation

-Coping with discontinuous constructions.

Michael Ellsworth (ICSI, Berkeley) will join us as expert on the field of annotating both semantic frames and grammatical constructions. Although the major focus lies on practical issues, including hands-on sessions, there will be the opportunity of discussing issues arising from analyses of specific constructions addressed by the participants.

If you are interested in participating in the one-day workshop, please send an email not later than May 20th to

Training materials as well as coffee, drinks, and snacks will be provided.

The participation fee is 60 Euro.

Mentioned literature:
Fillmore, Charles J., Russell Lee-Goldman und Russell Rhomieux (2012): The FrameNet-Constructicon. ? In: Boas, Hans, C. und Ivan Sag (eds.): Sign-based Construction Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications, pp. 309-372.

Ziem, Alexander (2014): Von der Kasusgrammatik zum FrameNet: Frames, Konstruktionen und die Idee eines Konstruktikons. In: Ziem, Alexander und Alexander Lasch (eds.): Grammatik als Inventar von Konstruktionen? Sprachwissen im Fokus in der Konstruktionsgrammatik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, pp. 351-388.

Organizing Team:
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ziem
Johanna Flick
Anastasia Neumann

GCLA Mailing List

The DGKL / GCLA has launched a mailing list, hosted by Linguist List. We invite you to use the mailing list for distributing relevant announcements (e.g. conferences, job ads, publications). Please note that it is a moderated list, i.e. each message has to be approved by a moderator. Your messages will therefore be delayed by a couple of hours.

If you are not yet a member of the DGKL / GCLA, you can subscribe to the list in the process of applying for membership (here). Membership in the DGKL / GCLA is currently free of charge. Note that if you already are a member, you can also use the membership form to update your information. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the list directly at Linguist List. Via this link, you can also unsubscribe from the list at any time.

CfP: GCLA Yearbook 2017

The organizers of the 7th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association have issued a Call for Papers for the “Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 2017”. The topic of the volume will be “Cognitive approaches to interaction and language attitudes”. Here’s the full CfP:

The conference organizing team of this year’s GCLA conference – Marcel Fladrich, Wolfgang Imo, Jens Lanwer and Evelyn Ziegler – invite abstracts for contributions to the 5th Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, which is planned to be published in 2017.

We ask authors to provide an abstract of about 1 page in length in which they lay out their subject matter, the data they will be looking at and the insights which they expect to demonstrate in their contribution. Contributions should not present research that has been published elsewhere.

In accordance to this year’s conference theme – Cognitive approaches to interaction and language attitudes – we welcome contributions dealing with topics on interaction and language attitudes from a cognitive perspective. Questions that may be asked are:

· How do interactional needs shape grammatical constructions?
· How can empirical analyses of interaction offer insights into cognitive processes?
· What can empirical analyses tell us about language attitudes, their interactional histories and situated negotiations?
· What conceptualizations of others’ languages, ethnicities, social status etc. do interactants lay open?
· How, when and why is stance expressed, negotiated, challenged or criticized etc. in interactions?

The deadline for the call for abstracts is December 31, 2016. Please send your abstracts to Contributors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of their proposals by January 31, 2017. Manuscripts are expected by August, 31, 2017.

The language of the volume will be English. For further information, please visit the website of de Gruyter for the GCLA Yearbook.